Inspired by the iconic animated series The Simpsons, comes the officially licensed toys and collectibles by JAKKS Pacific. Immerse yourself in Springfield with the iconic Simpsons House Living Room Diorama playset. Features the facade of the Simpsons house on one side and an interactive living room on the other. Compatible with all 2.5” scale figures and accessories- the living room features fun, interactive components. Press the buttons to launch characters off the couch or pose and play with characters around the living room rug. This set includes a 2.5” scale Homer Simpson as well as a lenticular TV, the famous Simpsons couch, a standing lamp and the side table. Perfect for fans and collectors, the Living Room Diorama has remarkable detail and fun, interactive features. Collect the full range of The Simpsons toys and collectibles by JAKKS Pacific. For Ages 4+.
- OFFICIALLY LICENSED: The Simpsons Living Room Diorama captures the detail of the Simpsons House and living room inspired by the iconic animated series.
- LIVING ROOM: Featuring the iconic living room on one side and the front side of the house on the other. Compatible with all 2.5” scale figures and accessories.
- POSE AND PLAY: Offers multiple fun and interactive features like the button activated couch or interactive rug allowing fans to recreate classic scenes and moments from the show.
- INCLUDED ACCESSORIES: This diorama playset comes with a variety of accessories, including one 2.5” scale Homer Simpson figure, one lenticular TV, one couch, one standing lamp, and one side table, allowing fans to recreate the iconic living room setting.
- COLLECT THEM ALL: Collect the full range of toys and collectibles inspired by The Simpsons with this Living Room Diorama from JAKKS Pacific.
Recommended Age: 4 Years+
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